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How to Import/Export Translation

Anubhav Sikka avatar
Written by Anubhav Sikka
Updated over a week ago

Within Bablic Dashboard, you have the ability to Import/Export your translation.


Bablic detects and saves all your website content inside Dashboard->Text Editor. Translation can be exported for:

  1. Translation Backup,

  2. Adding/Editing translations or,

  3. Forwarding it for translation to translators or professional translation agencies.

How to Export your Content

Export all Pages

You can download all your website translation in one go by going to Dashboard->Pages->Options and 'Export all Pages'. 

Make sure Source and Target Languages are correct. Select File Format and Press Start.

Export Individual Page

To download content of an individual page, go to Dashboard->Pages and search for the page. Select the Radio Button alongside each page and press 'Download'.

Export File Formats

Bablic offers four file formats:

  1. CSV

  2. JSON

  3. XLIFF

  4. PO

Examples of File Formats Exported from Bablic

CSV File: 

CSV file will consist of three parts:

a) ID (Each translation in Bablic has an associated Unique ID)
b) Source Language
c) Target Language



Its the file format Bablic recommends because of ease with you can translate your website content. It allows you to concentrate on text without worrying about the layout.



Bablic allows you to upload translations back to Dashboard after you have edited/added all your translations.

  1. Go to Dashboard->Pages->Options->Import Translations

  2. Ensure you select right Source Language, Target language and File Format.

  3. Upload your file and press Start.

  4. Once done, a confirmation dialog box providing you with all import details will pop up. You can download all translation applied and changed by Bablic. Also you can download translation Bablic failed to identify.

Import File Formats

Bablic offers same File Formats for uploading your file as used for Exporting it.

  1. JSON

  2. XLIFF

  3. PO

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